Hi I’m Dennis Ekman. Welcome to my Website. I’m a photography enthusiast residing in Florida. This is the history of my photography. 

My photography journey started in my teens when I purchased a Kodak Brownie box camera at a yard sale. I had a lot of fun taking photos of my family and friends. What intrigued me the most about a photo was that it was a moment frozen in time; you would observe things that you would not have noticed otherwise. Unfortunately, I soon realized that my meager paper route earnings were not sufficient to support the cost of film and development so my journey was short lived.  

Fast forward a number of years and I was serving in the US Navy. There were so many photo opportunities in foreign ports. I didn’t feel I could afford missing the opportunity to photograph them. I purchased an 8mm movie camera and had fun with it, but somehow I felt that still images were more fun and more interesting. I then purchased A 35 mm SLR camera. Most of the photos that I took were in slide format. The quality of my Images were a far cry from those photos found in publications such as The National Geographic, or Time Magazine. I have to admit that I was horrible at it. The camera was completely manual and my photos were mostly over or under exposed, or out of focus. However, every now and then I would capture a perfect image, even though I really did not have a grasp on how I had accomplished it. That factor encouraged me to continue taking photos. 

Several years after my service discharge, I was married and soon had children. Between work, family and attending collage evening classes, I had little spare time or money for any other interests during those years. Later on, I took a part time job in a small photo store as I thought it might be advantageous in learning more about photography. The store was open to the public, but they catered to professional wedding photographers. I had thoughts of it being an opportunity to learn things from the professionals.  Unfortunately, that did not turn out to be the case. However, I had access to many photography books and professional equipment. It also afforded me discounts on some used equipment. I learned a lot about photography with those resources so it was a very beneficial learning experience for me.  

Now that I am retired, I have more time to pursue my photography interests as a hobby. It’s a lot of fun and I really enjoy it. There are many facets in photography thus there are many new things to learn and try. My niche has been mostly landscapes and seascapes, but I do like to photograph other things. I like to try different photography techniques. I find that it’s to be a continual learning process which I also enjoy.

I’m a member of a local camera club. We have photographic competitions among our members which are lot of fun. It’s also an excellent way to improve your photography. If you are interested in photography and decide to take it up as a hobby, I would encourage you to join a club. You will get help from club members, and is an excellent resource for learning new skills.


My Copyright ©

Unless explicitly expressed otherwise, all images I create are owned by me Dennis L Ekman and cannot be used, alone or in part, without my expressed written permission. I hold Copyright © on all my images on this website-all rights reserved. If I created the image, I own the rights to it wherever it might reside in whatever form. I own the copyright on all original images as well as all digital duplication’s of the image.

My All Rights Reserved Copyright © covers the following years: © 2000-2020 Dennis L Ekman

If you’re interested in using an image of mine, please submit a request via the contact form on this site stating how you will use it.